Use "make|makes" in a sentence

1. Antron makes the parts that make industries run

2. Moving makes space, space will make you sink.

3. Clatter makes it easier to make some noise

4. He makes dwarf jokes, I make eunuch jokes.

5. So it makes sense because it doesn't make sense.

6. This makes it possible to make a symmetrical Banshee.

7. Step 6 of make up:Blusher, love makes you look pretty!

8. Then annex and buy make aviation carrying trade makes forestall trade.

9. The flowers make it beautiful, and the honey makes it sweet. "

10. The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. 

11. Kapwing makes it easy to make a Collage online with images, GIFs, or video

12. Arrogance will not make you be respected by others; humbleness however makes you respectable.

13. The Term “Boffing” came from the noise it makes when the weapons make contact.

14. Arb makes accessories like fridges and rooftop tents to make your adventures go smoothly

15. 'and vinegar that makes them sour -- and camomile that makes them bitter -- and -- and barley- sugar and such things that make children sweet- tempered.

16. Music and arts make students noble-minded and physical education makes students fit and elegant.

17. " He's just a big old liar who makes things up to make himself look good. "

18. 8 Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Vince Lombardi 

19. makes custom photo products easy, with great deals and 50+ products to make your own

20. When a sheep or goat Bleats, it makes the sound that sheep and goats typically make.

21. To make ends meet, she works for a travel company and makes dumplings for a cafeteria.

22. Love does not make the world go round. Love is what makes it the ride worthwhile.

23. Verb When a sheep or goat Bleats, it makes the sound that sheep and goats typically make

24. This makes for intensified effects of the strains used to make the Charas, bordering on the psychedelic.

25. A cellular Cofferdam makes by driving sheet piles of special shapes to make a series of cells

26. Make your Bedroom a reflection of your personality that both makes an impression and feels like home.

27. Bangers and mash is quick and easy to make, and also makes a cheap yet very substantial meal

28. Aok is an American animation YouTube channel that makes parodies of certain shows to make them more relevant

29. Atoning: Expiatory; that makes or is intended to make amends for offenses; reconciling: as, Christ's a toning blood.

30. Suppose someone wants to borrow money and makes promises like these: “I guarantee that you will make money.”

31. Hydrogen makes one bond, oxygen always makes two, nitrogen makes three and carbon makes four.

32. Cholesterol is a waxy substance your liver makes to protect nerves and to make cell tissue and certain hormones

33. This property of amplification makes it impossible to make long-term predictions about evolution, as one can in astronomy.

34. This grindstone bubble fountain makes an attractive incidental feature in this narrow border and is not difficult to make.

35. What makes it Cushy: Talented talk, the right tone of voice and dedication to touring make motivation turn to money

36. Contractually makes contracts easy for startups and freelancers, who can use it to make a contract from form to finish.

37. Memory, the punishment from god, makes depraved, makes you remorseful, makes you agonized.

38. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 

39. 16 Memory, the punishment from god, makes depraved, makes you remorseful, makes you agonized.

40. He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. 

41. The varying accuracy and precision also makes it difficult to make length comparisons between different rivers without a degree of uncertainty.

42. Game makes design talent deficient already became severe refashion to make an appointment with the bottleneck that game industry grows continuously.

43. Amazeballs Some annoying term Perez Hilton keeps trying to make happen, by saying it repeatedly, even though it makes no sense, and getting twitter followers to try and make it a trending topic, to make himself more famous for no reason

44. Makes wise others faces, makes them take a heart.

45. Love makes us crazy, and it makes us sick.

46. Perhaps, as some would argue, democracy makes rights possible; an equally valid argument can be made that individual rights make democracy work.

47. Circumlocution makes the verses soft and beautiful, since it is a way to set aside harsh speech, and make words sound sweeter

48. PRO Boxing Equipment not only makes Boxing equipment but we also make the other combat sports kits for MMA and Muay Thai

49. To cut down the time and data needed to make a forecast , the forecaster makes some explicit assumptions to simplify the process .

50. Garlic produces a chemical called Allicin. This is what seems to make garlic work for certain conditions. Allicin also makes garlic smell

51. Areality3D makes: RealityScript - a platform-agnostic rapid prototyping framework for 3D AR VR software - which @yosun uses to make cool apps like:

52. Makes sense.

53. The Carpal bones on the ulnar side only make intermittent contact with the proximal side — the triquetrum only makes contact during ulnar abduction

54. But, good Bodywork can make a so-so paintjob look great! Good surface prep and Bodywork is what makes or breaks a finish.

55. And the Baretta Special has a shred-friendly 12"-radius fretboard, which makes it easy to play fast and make big bends

56. It makes static electrical tension and makes your body float.

57. This Aliasing is the result of your phone’s camera trying to make sense of the microscopic grid that makes up your computer screen

58. The pituitary gland makes hormones that instruct other glands to make other hormones, and those hormones actually get the real leg work done.

59. Which is why the flu makes you sneeze, makes your nose run, and makes you produce wet Catarrhy coughs

60. In English grammar, a Causative verb is a verb used to indicate that some person or thing makes—or helps to make—something happen

61. If the pilot is instructed by air traffic control to make his turn when the aircraft is Abeam a certain point, it makes it …

62. Eyes Asparkle, Hank says, blushing, It makes me deliriously excited to do this, to actually make a difference for a fine person like Serena

63. Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.

64. Practice makes perfect.

65. It makes gloves.

66. Adversity makes a noble-minded man; Loneliness makes a deep-munded thinker.

67. Haste makes waste.

68. Makes things simple.

69. This not only makes it easier to make the leap when the time is right, it also gets you into a career-change mind-set.

70. 14 It makes no difference to us, makes no mistake about it.

71. He makes them sit on the piano bench and makes them play " Chopsticks. "

72. Satan still uses religion that makes a pretense of being Christian, moral, and enlightening in order to make people live by his standards rather than God’s.

73. Fear makes others follow.

74. Blood makes poor mortar.

75. What makes it smelly ?

76. Makes us appear weak.

77. It makes no difference.

78. Opportunity makes the thief.

79. This factory makes earthenware.

80. 1 Practice makes perfect.